• Reduces Heart Disease Risk: Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly recommended for heart wellness. Though both DHA and EPA support heart health, DHA may be more effective at increasing your omega-3 index, decreasing triglycerides and improving your cholesterol profile.

  • May improve ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — characterized by impulsive behaviors and difficulty in concentrating — generally starts in childhood but often continues into adulthood. Children and adults with ADHD commonly have lower blood levels of DHA, which plays a key role in brain function. The majority of studies testing the effects of DHA supplements in children with ADHD have shown benefits to behavior or attention.

  • Reduces the risk of Early pre-term births: Delivering a baby before 34 weeks of pregnancy is considered as early preterm birth and increases the baby’s risk of health problems. Taking 600–800 mg of DHA daily during pregnancy could significantly reduce your risk of early preterm birth. Bear in mind that some prenatal vitamins don’t contain DHA.

  • Fights Inflammation: Omega-3 fats such as DHA have anti-inflammatory effects. Increasing DHA intake may help reduce inflammation and balance the excess of inflammatory omega-6 fats typically in Western diets. Therefore, DHA may help counteract symptoms of conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis and heart disease.

  • Supports muscle recovery after Exercise: Strenuous exercise can trigger muscle inflammation and soreness. DHA alone or in combination with EPA may help reduce muscle soreness and limitations in range of motion after exercise, partly due to its anti-inflammatory effects. DHA alone or combined with EPA may help reduce muscle soreness and limitations in range of motion after exercise, partly due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

  •  Helps to improve some eye conditions: It’s uncertain whether DHA and other omega-3 fats help age-related macular degeneration (AMD) as once thought, but they may improve dry eyes and diabetic eye disease (retinopathy). DHA may improve certain eye conditions, including dry eyes and diabetic retinopathy. It may also decrease contact lens discomfort and reduce eye pressure, a risk factor for glaucoma.
  •  May reduce the risk of certain cancers: Chronic inflammation is a risk factor for cancer. Higher intake of omega-3 fats such as DHA has been linked to a lower risk of several cancers, including colorectal, pancreatic, breast, and prostate cancer. Higher intake of DHA has been linked to a lower risk of several cancers, including colorectal, breast, and prostate cancer. Preliminary studies suggest that DHA may improve chemotherapy benefits, but more research is needed.
  •  May help prevents or slow Alzheimer’s disease: DHA is the main omega-3 fat in your brain and essential for a functional nervous system, which includes your brain. DHA is important for brain function, and higher omega-3 intake may reduce your risk of types of dementia like Alzheimer’s. It’s unclear whether DHA can slow Alzheimer’s progression, but success may be more likely if you begin supplementing early.
  •  Lowers blood pressure and supports circulation: DHA supports good blood flow, or circulation, and may improve endothelial function — the ability of your blood vessels to dilate. DHA may support the proper functioning of your arteries, improve blood flow, and lower blood pressure. This may help reduce heart attack and stroke risk.
  •  Aids normal brain and eye development in Babies: DHA is essential for brain and eye development in babies. These organs grow rapidly during a woman’s last trimester of pregnancy and the first few years of life. DHA is essential for a baby’s brain and visual development. A mom’s DHA is passed to her infant during pregnancy especially during the third trimester as well as through breast milk. Babies born preterm may benefit from supplemental DHA.
  •  Supports Men’s reproductive health: In fact, low DHA status is the most common cause of low-quality sperm and frequently found in men with subfertility or infertility problems. Getting adequate DHA supports both the vitality (percentage of live, healthy sperm in semen) and motility of sperm, which impacts fertility. Without enough DHA, sperm health and motility are compromised, which can reduce a man’s fertility.
  • May help protects Mental Health: Getting adequate amounts of DHA and EPA is associated with a reduced risk of depression. Adequate DHA and EPA levels are linked to a reduced risk of depression. These fats support serotonin a nerve messenger that helps balance your mood. Plus, they have anti-inflammatory effects on nerve cells, which may reduce depression risk as well.