Calcium is a mineral necessary to build and maintain strong bones and teeth, which also aids a number of other body processes. These include blood clotting, blood vessel and muscle contraction, enzyme and hormone secretion and the central nervous system functioning. Calcium happens to be the body’s most common mineral. On average, calcium makes up about 2.3% of a person’s body weight.

Nearly all calcium in the body is stored in bones. Its role is to help bones to remain strong and stiff enough to carry the weight of the body. When needed, the body can draw upon these calcium reserves in the bones and use it elsewhere, such as in the bloodstream and soft tissues.

Calcium is a mineral and so it cannot be produced by the body. Therefore, consuming adequate levels of calcium is crucial. The body needs a constant supply of calcium from diet to keep bones growing and strong. Bone remodeling is an ongoing process in which bone is broken down and calcium is deposited to replace the bone material that is lost. However, when the amount of calcium in the bloodstream is too low, calcium stored in bones is broken down and used in the bloodstream. This may lead to the calcium depletion in bones, a process that can take many years.

During childhood, people undergo a great amount of bone formation. Most individuals can continue to build bone mass until their mid-30s. However, after age 35, they can only slow the bone loss, which is a natural part of aging. Bone loss accelerates especially in women following menopause.

By eating diets high in calcium early in life, children and adolescents should try to build peak bone mass. This can help reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis in later life. Weight-bearing exercises can help to maximize bone strength and bone density. Although people cannot build new bone after age 35, appropriate calcium intake (especially in conjunction with vitamin D) and engaging in weight-bearing exercises can help them to hold on or significantly slow the loss of the bone mass they have.

Basic Functions of Calcium

Calcium performs a number of basic functions in your body. Your body uses 99 percent of its calcium to keep your bones and teeth strong, thereby supporting skeletal structure and function. The rest of the calcium in your body plays key roles in cell signaling, blood clotting, muscle contraction, and nerve function. Cells use calcium to activate certain enzymes, transport ions across the cellular membrane, and send and receive neurotransmitters during communication with other cells. As an electrolyte or a particle that helps conduct electricity in the body, calcium is also one of the key players in maintaining a regular heartbeat.

Diseases and Conditions

Calcium may decrease the risk of colorectal cancer and can lower systolic blood pressure in individuals with high blood pressure. Additionally, you can decrease your risk of osteoporosis by consuming adequate amounts of calcium throughout your life. Some research also suggests eating calcium-rich foods may decrease your risk for overweight and obesity, although this topic is widely debated within the science community. A study published in a 2004 issue of “Obesity” showed individuals on a high-calcium, high-dairy diet lost 70 percent more body weight than individuals on a low-calcium diet when caloric intake was the same.

What are the recommended dietary allowances for Calcium (as per ICMR-2010)?

Group Calcium mg/day
MEN 600 mg
WOMEN 600 mg
PREGNANT 1200 mg
CHILDREN 1-9 years 600 mg
BOYS 10-12 years 800 mg
GIRLS 10-12 years 800 mg
BOYS 13-15 years 800 mg
GIRLS 13-15 years 800 mg
BOYS 16-17 years 800 mg
GIRLS 16-17 years

800 mg