Know more about DLV Drops
DHA synthesis from its fatty acid precursors is known to be inefficient, making dietary sources of preformed DHA important . However, DHA is found at high levels in only a very limited number of foods and the typical intake by children worldwide is surprisingly low.
Experts believe it’s important for babies to receive DHA during this critical time of brain development.
L-Lysine is vital for proper growth and plays an important role in the production of carnitine, which transforms fatty acids into energy & helps in Calcium absorption.
DHA/EPA: Helps in brain development and Immunity.
LYCOPENE: Strengthens immunity & gives protection from diseases.
L-LYSINE: A Vital nutrient for proper growth, energy production as well as strengthens bones.
VITAMINS: 3 Fat Soluble & 5 Water soluble Vitamins for overall health, growth and energy.